Trainings for physicians
Since 2016, we have conducted many training courses for physicians. Based on our experience, we created a proprietary program of series of training sessions focused on building satisfying relations with patients. We discuss patients’ needs, develop the doctors’ ability to take a perspective of a patient and concentrate on proper doctor/patient communication. The main part of every training is a workshop – we make sure that everything is well understood and the physicians are ready to apply new knowledge in their everyday medical practice. The participants assessed this course very highly – the general evaluation was 9.8/10.
In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in factors that are responsible for therapeutic success. Research shows even up to 70% of them are non-medical ones. The most important condition of the success of treatment is a good relationship between a patient and a doctor. It is even more important particularly when we talk about patients with chronic diseases.
What does a good relationship exactly mean?
It is interdependence based on mutual trust, openness and understanding.
Building such relationships is something you can easily learn – that is why we created a special series of training sessions for doctors devoted to this issue.
In the first training, we focus on patients’ needs and developing the ability to take the perspective of a patient. The participants practice the acquired skills in order to make sure that everything is well understood and the physicians are ready to apply new knowledge in their everyday medical practice.
The training consists of three parts:
- Patient perspective – preferences of patients regarding their treatment and medical care
- Different people, different needs – discussing patient types, their behaviors, motivations and requirements
- How to do it in the real world? – patient-physician conversation role-plays (including challenging cases) with feedback from a psychologist
Level 2 Training (one day): HOW TO BE UNDERSTOOD CORRECTLY
In the second training, we concentrate on proper communication between doctor and patient: how to provide information in a simple way. Research proves that in many cases misunderstanding a doctor’s messages is the leading reason patients do not follow the doctor’s advice. Thus, it is crucial to communicate adequately.
The training consists of three parts:
- What is med-speech and how can you avoid it in communication with patients?
- Say it easier, say it better – how to communicate difficult things in a simple way. Workshop on rephrasing our communication.
- Communication of a diagnosis – patient-physician conversation role-plays
Outcome of the trainings
Benefits indicated by participants:
- Comprehensive information on communication barriers
- Psychological insights and tips
- Opportunity to share experiences between physicians
- Taking patient’s perspective during workshops
75% of participants
marked the workshop on patient-physician conversations
as the most important part of trainings.
The participants of all our sessions assessed the training course very highly – the overall results show that the training had fulfilled physicians’ expectations. The general evaluation was 9.8 (on a scale of 1 to 10). The theoretical part was evaluated 9.7, while the workshops – 9.9.